Training Schedule

Like it or not, you can't just get up one day and run a marathon.  Like anything else worth doing, running a marathon takes hard work, dedication, and a tried-and-true training program.  In preparation for the 2011 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon, I am following Hal Higdon's Novice 2* 18-week training program:

I've slightly edited the days to best fit my schedule:
Monday - cross-training (Zumba!  Have you tried this?  What a blast!)
Tuesday - off
Wednesday - short run
Thursday - medium run
Friday - short run
Saturday - off
Sunday - long run

I followed Mr. Higdon's Novice 1 program for my first (and only other) 26.2, the 2009 Detroit Marathon.  I followed the program very closely, but I admittedly was not very good at sticking with the cross-training days (they kind of turned into another "off" day each week - oops).  Even so, the program was perfect for a newbie!

*Full disclosure: I'm a bit nervous about being able to keep up with the increased mileage in the Novice 2 program in comparison to Novice 1.  All those miles really take their toll.  So it is here that I have an official disclaimer: I reserve the right to switch back to the Novice 1 schedule if necessary.  So here we go ... let the madness begin!!

Oh one more thing: I was lucky enough to meet Mr. Higdon himself at the 2009 Detroit Expo.  :)
At the 2009 Detroit Marathon Expo: Hal Higdon, running buddies Mike and Claire, and me
What a great inspiration!  Head over to Hal Higdon's website for more great tips and training programs for all race distances and all levels.