Monday, February 14, 2011

Flying Pig Training Re-Cap: Week 7

Success!  Another 100% week.  That's only the second one so far, so I guess I shouldn't toot my own horn too much.

Monday, 2/7 - Zumba
Tuesday, 2/8 - 4.3 miles in 46 minutes (10:46 average)
Wednesday, 2/9 - 7 miles in 1 hour, 18 minutes (11:05 average)
Thursday, 2/10 - 4.1 miles in 45 minutes (10:57 average)
Friday, 2/11 - off
Saturday, 2/12 - 14 miles in 2 hour, 42 minutes (11:24 average) - including 5 miles of run/walk
Sunday, 2/13 - off

While I'm very pleased that I managed to get all of my miles in this week, I'm a bit disappointed at my times.  Well, I guess I shouldn't say "disappointed" - I just know that as the mileage builds, my pace gets slower and slower.  My goals for the Pig include (in this order):

(1) Finishing.
(2) Finishing in under 5 1/2 hours, thus beating my Detroit time of 5 hours, 38 minutes, 26 seconds.  (This would be "the public goal.")

I want to be realistic, though.  The Pig is hilly - very hilly.*  So finishing is goal #1.  Anything beyond that is a bonus.  Onwards and upwards (literally)!

*Holy crap, that course is hilly.  Whose idea was this, anyway?!

2011 Flying Pig Training Mileage Stats
Scheduled (This Week): 29
Completed (This Week): 29 (100%)
Scheduled (Overall): 153
Completed (Overall): 125 (82%)

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