Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lunchtime Run

Although the Mister and I don't really get too much into Valentine's Day (put it this way: I was going to buy him a card this year, but when I saw it cost $6 - SIX DOLLARS - I just came home and told him what it said instead), I felt a bit guilty for missing the evening due to Monday night Zumba.  So today, I thought I'd try to make it home at a more reasonable hour, and ran my scheduled four miles at lunchtime.

I am typically an evening runner - I try to get into work (which is a half hour away) by 7:00-7:30 a.m., and it is WAY too freaking cold to run at 4:30 in the morning, which is how early I'd have to start to make it happen.  Plus, who wants to get up that darn early anyway?  But today I tried the "lunchtime run," and I gotta tell ya, I was pretty excited.  I'm not too sure my co-workers were excited, given that it was fairly warm out (40 degrees F), and I did not shower afterwards (sorry - at least I used lots of deodorant!!), but it was so nice to get it out of the way today.

In lieu of an evening run, Jeff and I took the pups to the P-A-R-K (oh, I guess I only have to spell it when the pups are listening, huh?).  They were super excited and it made a slightly smelly afternoon all the worthwhile.

My babies:
Susie and Jugdish

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