Friday, April 15, 2011

Flying Pig Training Re-Cap: Week 15

I'm on the taper, I'm on the taper (<--to the tune of a child singing, "na-na na-na boo-boo!").

Monday, 4/4 - Zumba
Tuesday, 4/5 - off
Wednesday, 4/6 - 5.25 miles in 56 minutes (10:41 average)
Thursday, 4/7 - off
Friday, 4/8 - 20 miles in 3 hours, 52 minutes (11:37 average)
Saturday, 4/9 - off
Sunday, 4/10 - 

I did it!  The dreaded 20-miler is officially behind me, and I have entered the taper!

In other awesome news, Nike's website finally has splits data back up (I LOVE my Nike+, but my mom put it best when she said that she thinks they have only one person - just one guy in a little cubicle - supporting the website for the millions of people using it, because it is always having some sort of issue).  Here are my stats for the big 2-0:

Miles two and three are super hilly - hence the longer per mile times there.  The dip at mile 12 is easily (and legitimately) explained by my mid-run stop at home (filled up the water bottles, grabbed another Gu, and took some ibuprofen) ... hold on, tangent.  Remember this?:

Best. Movie. Ever.

Okay, sorry, what was I saying?  Oh yes, I had a two-minute pit stop at the homestead a little over halfway through, and because I didn't want my iPod to re-set like last time, I didn't pause it.  It makes sense, though - the clock isn't going to stop running should I take a break during the Pig!

Anyway, the run was actually pretty good.  The weather cooperated for the most part - it spit rain here and there, but I didn't get poured on (like I had feared).  The looming rainstorm did bring another unwelcome little visitor: HUMIDITY.  Holy shitballs, how did I forget that I live in the Humid-Nati??  Apparently, anything above 45-50% is considered to be high humidity.  Cincinnati averages about 70% humidity - that's a year-round AVERAGE, folks.  Summers are brutal here.  And I got my first taste of 2011 humidity on Friday.

Somehow, by the grace of God, the humidity let up after about an hour, and the rest of the run was quite pleasant, weather-wise.  I felt really good - well, as good as you can feel running 20 miles on your day off.  I think I made a mistake with my Gu intake though - around mile 15, my stomach started growling (uh-oh!).  I had taken two Gus and half a pack of Shot Bloks (one Gu at about mile 4, Bloks at mile 8, and Gu #2 at mile 12), but in hindsight, I should have brought along one more Gu.  A growling stomach during a run is not good ... two miles later, I hit the wall.

My troubles are evident in my split times.  All of a sudden, I completely ran out of steam.  It was one foot in front of the other for miles 17 through 19, and the last mile was true agony.  I was in a lot of pain in every sense of the word - physically, mentally, and emotionally.  But, as you always must do in marathon training, I pushed through and shuffled my way back home and straight into recovery mode:

Chocolate milk, Propel, and water: recovery fluids of champions.
Oh, but my 20-miler left me with something to remember it by: a HUGE blister on my right heel.  Remember that teeny little blister from last week?  It apparently got all of its little son-of-a-blister friends together and threw a party in my shoe for all 36,900 steps of the run.  I took off my shoe and was greeted by a disgusting gum ball-sized blister.  I'll spare you the photos (yes, there are photos - I had to show Jeff the proof!).

All in all, the 20-miler wasn't half bad.  And hell, what's another 6.2 on top of that?!  Nothin'!

2011 Flying Pig Training Mileage Stats
Scheduled (This Week): 35
Completed (This Week): 25.25 (72%)
Scheduled (Overall): 408
Completed (Overall): 333.75 (82%)

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